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How workplace violence correlates turnover intention among Chinese health care workers in COVID-19 context: The mediating role of perceived social support and mental health.

点击次数:9393 次  更新时间:2021-05-10

Yinmei Yang , Peigang Wang*, Mohammedhamid Osman Kelifa , Bo Wang , Mingxiu Liu , Lili Lu , Wei Wang

How workplace violence correlates turnover intention among Chinese health care workers in COVID-19 context: The mediating role of perceived social support and mental health.

Journal of Nursing Management, 2021;00:18.



Aim: To elucidate the effects of workplace violence on turnover intention among Chinese health care workers, and to identify the potential mediators in this relationship.

Background: Workplace violence has emerged as a crucial determinant of turnover intention for health care workers.

Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among Chinese health care workers (N = 1,063) between 13 and 20 February 2020. Mediation effects were tested using structural equation modelling with weighted least squares mean and variance adjusted (WLSMV) estimator.

Results: Workplace violence had both direct and indirect effects on turnover intention among Chinese health care workers. Specifically, perceived social support, mental health and perceived social support together with mental health partially mediated the relationship between workplace violence and turnover intention.

Conclusions: Chinese health care workers experiencing violence during the COVID-19 outbreak were more likely to report turnover intention. Enhancing social support and reducing mental health problems would be beneficial in decreasing the detrimental effects of workplace violence on turnover intention.

Implications for nursing management: Ensuring health care workers' health and safety is vital in reducing turnover intention, which in turn ascertains continuity of health care delivery. Health care managers should develop targeted interventions to improve social support and prevent post-violence mental health problems.

Keywords: health care workers; mental health, COVID-19; perceived social support; turnover intention; workplace violence.



版权所有:武汉大学人口与健康研究中心  地址:武汉市武昌东湖路115号武汉大学医学部  邮编:430071