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Classes of childhood adversities and their associations to the mental health of college undergraduates: a nationwide cross-sectional study

点击次数:8980 次  更新时间:2021-08-20

Peigang Wang1, Mohammedhamid Osman Kelifa1,, Bin Yu and YinmeiYang*

Classes of childhood adversities and their associations to the mental health of college undergraduates: a nationwide cross-sectional study

Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine; Dec 2021;26(1):73



Background Childhood adversities pose deleterious consequences on health and well-being, but limited studies explore whether unique patterns of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) impact the mental health of emerging adults and the mediating role of current stressful events (CSEs). This study examined classes of ACEs and how they relate to CSEs, psychological distress, and subjective well-being among Eritrean College undergraduates. Methods Cross-sectional data on ACEs, CSEs, symptoms of psychological distress, and subjective well-being were collected from a national sample of college students (N = 507). We identified ACE patterns using latent class analysis and further examined whether CSEs mediated the effects of ACE classes on psychological distress and subjective well-being. Results 86.4% of the sample experienced at least one ACE. Collective violence, domestic violence, and physical abuse were the most common ACEs. Three subgroups, low ACEs (66.3%), household violence (19.1%), and multiple ACEs (14.6%) were identified. We found that relative to low ACEs, household violence (beta = 0.142, 95% CI 0.046, 0.248) and multiple ACEs (beta = 0.501, 95% CI 0.357, 0.666) indirectly influenced psychological distress through CSEs, and CSEs mediated the relationships between household violence (beta = -0.096, 95% CI -0.176, -0.033), multiple ACEs (beta = -0.338, 95% CI -0.498, -0.210), and subjective well-being. However, there were nonsignificant relative direct effects of ACE patterns on both psychological distress and subjective well-being. Conclusions Experiencing multiple ACEs and household violence in conjunction with CSEs significantly predict psychological distress and subjective well-being. Contextual interventions for the early identification of ACEs and the management of CSEs may play a crucial role in the prevention of mental health problems.

Keywords:Adverse childhood; experiences; Current stressful events; Psychological distress; Subjective well-being



版权所有:武汉大学人口与健康研究中心  地址:武汉市武昌东湖路115号武汉大学医学部  邮编:430071